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Rust Interview Questions - Page 2

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Question: What are the different types of loops available in Rust?
Answer: Rust provides three main types of loops:
'loop': The loop keyword creates an infinite loop.
'while': The while loops execute a block of code while a condition is true
'for': The for loops iterate over collections or ranges.

Question: How does Rust ensure memory safety without a garbage collector?
Answer: Rust achieves memory safety through its ownership system, which tracks the lifetime and ownership of variables at compile time.
It enforces strict rules such as ownership transfer, borrowing, and lifetimes to prevent dangling pointers, data races, and memory leaks.

Question: Can you explain the concept of "zero-cost abstractions" in Rust?
Answer: The "Zero-cost abstractions" means that high-level language features in Rust come with little to no runtime overhead compared to writing equivalent low-level code manually. This is achieved through Rust's strong type system and compiler optimizations.

Question: What are the different types of pointers in Rust
Answer: Rust has two main types of pointers: references (&) and raw pointers (*).
References are safe pointers that enforce borrowing rules at compile time, while raw pointers provide unsafe, low-level access to memory.

Question: Can you explain Rust's concept of "macros" and provide an example?
Answer: The macros in Rust are a powerful metaprogramming feature that allows developers to write code that generates other code at compile time. Macros are invoked using the 'macro_rules!' or #[macro_export] attributes. For example:
macro_rules! say_hello {
    () => {
        println!("Hello, world!");

fn main() {

Question: What is pattern matching in Rust, and how is it used?
Answer: The pattern matching is a powerful feature in Rust that allows developers to destructure complex data types and match against specific patterns. It is commonly used in match expressions, if let expressions, and function parameters.

Question: Can you explain the difference between 'Box' and 'Rc' in Rust?
Answer: The 'Box' is a smart pointer that represents ownership of a heap-allocated value and allows for single ownership.
'Rc' (Reference Counted) is a smart pointer that enables multiple ownership through reference counting, but it is not thread-safe.

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