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Rust Interview Questions - Page 1

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Question: What is Rust and what are its main features?
Answer: The Rust is a systems programming language developed by Mozilla. Its main features include memory safety, zero-cost abstractions, and guaranteed thread safety.

Question: Can you explain ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes in Rust?
Answer: Please find the definitions:
Ownership refers to Rust's system of managing memory by tracking ownership of variables.
Borrowing allows temporary access to a variable without transferring ownership.
Lifetimes ensure that references do not outlive the data they refer to, preventing dangling pointers.

Question: What are the benefits of using Rust over other programming languages?
Answer: Rust provides memory safety without a garbage collector, enabling high-performance and safe systems programming.
It prevents common bugs such as null pointer dereferencing, data races, and buffer overflows at compile time.

Question: What is the difference between 'String' and 'str' in Rust?
Answer: The String is a growable, heap-allocated data structure that can store a UTF-8 encoded string.
The str, or string slice, is an immutable view into a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, often referred to as a string literal.

Question: Can you explain the concept of "Fearless Concurrency" in Rust?
Answer: The "Fearless Concurrency" is Rust's promise of preventing data races and ensuring thread safety through its ownership and borrowing system. Rust enforces strict rules at compile time, allowing developers to write concurrent code with confidence.

Question: What are 'traits' in Rust, and how do they differ from interfaces in other languages?
Answer: The 'traits' define methods that types can implement. They are similar to interfaces in other languages but with additional features such as associated functions and default implementations.
Traits enable ad-hoc polymorphism in Rust.

Question: How does Rust handle error management?
Answer: Rust uses the Result enum and the Option enum for error handling. The Result enum represents either success with a value or failure with an error, while the Option enum represents either Some value or None.

Question: Can you explain Rust's module system and its benefits?
Answer: Rust's module system allows code organization into hierarchical namespaces. Modules can be used to control visibility and encapsulation, facilitating code reuse and maintenance. It promotes a clear separation of concerns.

Question: What are closures in Rust, and how are they different from functions?
Answer: In Rust closures are anonymous functions that can capture variables from their surrounding environment. They are similar to functions but have the ability to capture and use variables from the enclosing scope.
Closures are often used for tasks like callbacks and iterators.

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