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AWS Interview Questions - Page 5

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Question: What is AWS SNS, and how does it facilitate communication between distributed components?
Answer: AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) is a fully managed pub/sub messaging service that enables the publishing and delivery of messages or notifications to distributed components, such as applications, services, and endpoints.
It facilitates communication by allowing publishers to send messages to topics, which can then be subscribed to by multiple subscribers.

Question: What are the benefits of using AWS CloudWatch Logs for log monitoring and analysis?
Answer: AWS CloudWatch Logs allows you to centralize logs from various AWS services and custom applications for real-time monitoring, troubleshooting, and analysis.
Its benefits include customizable log retention, scalable log ingestion, configurable alarms for log-based metrics, and integration with other AWS services like Lambda for log processing.

Question: Can you explain the concept of AWS VPC Peering and its use cases?
Answer: AWS VPC Peering enables direct network connectivity between two VPCs, allowing instances in one VPC to communicate with instances in the other VPC using private IP addresses.
It is commonly used to facilitate communication between resources in different VPCs owned by the same or different AWS accounts without traversing the internet.

Question: What is AWS KMS (Key Management Service), and how does it help in managing encryption?
Answer: AWS KMS is a managed service that allows you to create, control, and manage encryption keys used to encrypt data stored in AWS services and applications.
It provides centralized key management, hardware security module (HSM) integration, fine-grained access control, and audit logging for secure key usage.

Question: Can you explain the concept of AWS Lambda Layers and how they enhance code reuse and management?
Answer: AWS Lambda Layers allow one to package and deploy additional code or libraries alongside your Lambda function code without increasing its size or complexity.
Layers promote code reuse, simplify dependency management, and enable shared libraries across multiple Lambda functions, improving development efficiency and maintainability.

Question: What is AWS CloudFront, and how does it improve the performance and security of web applications?
Answer: AWS CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that delivers static and dynamic content, including websites, videos, and APIs, to users with low latency and high transfer speeds.
It improves performance by caching content at edge locations closer to end users and enhances security by providing DDoS protection, HTTPS encryption, and access control features.

Question: What are AWS Resource Groups, and how are they used for resource organization and management?
Answer: AWS Resource Groups allow one to group AWS resources based on tags, resource types, or both, for easier management and organization.
They provide a unified view of related resources, enable resource tagging-based policies, and facilitate automation and operations tasks across multiple resources.

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