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Angular Interview Questions - Page 3

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Question: How can you create a new Angular project using it CLI?
Answer: To create a new Angular project using Angular CLI, you can use the following command:
ng new my-angular-project
The above command will create a new Angular project named my-angular-project with the necessary file structure, configuration files, and dependencies.

Question: What are Angular Pipes?
Answer: Angular Pipes are a feature in Angular that allows you to transform data in your templates before displaying it to the user.

Pipes can be used for tasks like formatting dates, numbers, currency, filtering, sorting, and more. Angular provides several built-in pipes, and you can also create custom pipes as per your application requirements.

Question: What is Angular Routing Guard and how is it used?
Answer: Angular Routing Guard is a feature that allows developers to control navigation to and from Angular routes. Angular provides several types of routing guards like CanActivate, CanDeactivate, CanLoad, and Resolve.

Developers can implement these guards to add authorization, authentication, data preloading, or other custom logic to route navigation.

Question: How can you handle errors in Angular HTTP requests?
Answer: In Angular, errors in HTTP requests can be handled using error handling mechanisms provided by the HttpClient module. You can use RxJS operators like catchError or the subscribe method's error callback to handle errors returned by HTTP requests.

Additionally, you can implement centralized error handling by creating an interceptor that intercepts HTTP responses and handles errors globally.

Question: What is Angular Interpolation and how is it used?
Answer: Angular Interpolation is a data binding technique that allows you to display component data in the HTML template. It uses double curly braces {{}} to bind component properties or expressions to HTML elements. For example:
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ "Hello, " + name }}</p>

Question: What is Angular TestBed?
Answer: The Angular TestBed is a utility provided by Angular for configuring and testing Angular components, directives, services, and pipes. It creates a dynamically-constructed Angular testing module that can be used to compile and configure components for unit testing.

TestBed provides methods like configureTestingModule, createComponent, get, etc., for setting up testing environments.

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