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Angular Interview Questions - Page 2

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Question: What is Angular Module?
Answer: Below are some key points about Modules.
• Angular uses modules to organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.
• Modules help in organizing code, managing dependencies, and defining the application's structure.
• Modules in Angular can be feature modules, which encapsulate functionality, or the root module (AppModule), which bootstraps the application.

Question: What are Angular directives?
Answer: Directives are markers on a DOM element that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children.

Examples of built-in directives in Angular include ngIf, ngFor, ngStyle, ngClass, etc.
Question: What is dependency injection in Angular?
Answer: Dependency injection is a design pattern used to provide components with the dependencies they need. Angular's dependency injection system allows components to be loosely coupled and easily testable.
Dependencies are declared in a provider, and Angular injects them into the component's constructor.

Question: What is Angular routing?
Answer: Below you can find major characteristics of Angular Routing:
• Angular routing is used for navigating between different components in an Angular application without reloading the entire page.
• It allows developers to define navigation paths and associate them with specific components.
• Routing in Angular is implemented using the RouterModule and configured with route definitions.

Question: What is Angular services and when is it used?
Answer: You may find main points about Angular services below:
• Angular services are singleton objects that are instantiated only once during the lifetime of an application.
• They are used for encapsulating reusable logic, data sharing, and communicating with external resources.
• Services in Angular are typically used for tasks such as HTTP requests, data manipulation, authentication, etc.

Question: What is Routing in Angular?
Answer: Routing in Angular refers to the process of navigating between different views (or components) of an Angular application based on the URL changes. Angular Router is a built-in library that provides a router service for managing navigation and a router module for configuring routes in an Angular application.

Question: How can you handle HTTP requests in Angular?
Answer: Angular provides a built-in HTTP client module (@angular/common/http) for making HTTP requests to servers. To handle HTTP requests in Angular, you need to:
• Import the HttpClientModule in your AppModule.
• Inject the HttpClient service into your component or service.
• Use HttpClient methods such as get, post, put, delete, etc., to send requests and handle responses asynchronously.

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