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VB.Net Interview Questions - Page 2

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Question: What is a constructor in VB.NET?
Answer: A constructor is a special method in a class that is automatically called when an instance of the class is created. It is used to initialize the object's state.

Question: How can you achieve multithreading in VB.NET?
Answer: The Multithreading in VB.NET can be achieved by using the System.Threading namespace.
One can create and manage threads using classes such as Thread and ThreadPool.

Question: Can you explain the difference between Shared and Instance members in VB.NET?
Answer: In VB.NET, Shared members belong to the class itself and can be accessed without creating an instance of the class.
Instance members, on the other hand, belong to individual instances of the class and require an instance to access them.

Question: What are generics in VB.NET?
Answer: The Generics allow one to define classes, structures, interfaces, and methods with placeholder types that are specified when the generic is used. This enables type-safe programming without specifying the actual data types until runtime.

Question: How can you implement inheritance in VB.NET?
Answer: The Inheritance in VB.NET is implemented using the Inherits keyword, where one class inherits from another.
The derived class inherits the members of the base class and can also add its own members.

Question: What is the role of the 'Option Strict' statement in VB.NET?
Answer: The 'Option Strict' statement is used to enforce explicit declaration of variables, stricter type checking, and more predictable behavior of data types in VB.NET code.

Question: What is the purpose of the Imports statement in VB.NET?
Answer: The Imports statement is used to simplify code by allowing you to reference types in other namespaces without fully qualifying their names. It eliminates the need to specify the namespace every time you use a type.

Question: What is the purpose of the 'Is' operator in VB.NET?
Answer: The 'Is' operator in VB.NET is used to determine whether two object references refer to the same object instance.
It checks for reference equality.

Question: Can you explain the difference between String and StringBuilder in VB.NET?
Answer: The String is immutable, meaning once created, its value cannot be changed.
StringBuilder, on the other hand, is mutable and allows dynamic modification of its value, making it more efficient for string concatenation operations.

Question: What is the purpose of the 'Select Case' statement in VB.NET?
Answer: The 'Select Case' statement in VB.NET is used to evaluate an expression against a list of possible values and execute the corresponding block of code based on the match.

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