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Scala Interview Questions - Page 2

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Question: Can you explain the concept of immutability in Scala?
Answer: Immutability means that once an object is created, its state cannot be changed.
In Scala, many data structures are immutable by default, which helps in writing safe and concurrent code.

Question: What are Futures in Scala?
Answer: The Futures in Scala represent asynchronous computations. They allow you to perform operations asynchronously and handle the result when it becomes available. Futures are often used in concurrent and parallel programming to improve performance.

Question: How does Scala handle null values?
Answer: Scala encourages the use of Option types to represent values that may be absent. Instead of using null, you can use Option to indicate the presence or absence of a value.
This helps to avoid null pointer exceptions and makes code safer.

Question: What are case classes in Scala?
Answer: The Case classes are a special type of classes in Scala that are optimized for immutable data modeling.
They are used to hold immutable data and come with a default implementation of methods like equals, hashCode, and toString. Case classes also support pattern matching, making them convenient for pattern-based decomposition.

Question: Can you explain the concept of 'implicit parameters' in Scala?
Answer: The 'implicit parameters' in Scala allow passing arguments to functions implicitly. When a function is defined with an implicit parameter, the compiler looks for values of that parameter type within the current scope and automatically passes them to the function.
Implicit parameters are commonly used for dependency injection and to provide default values.

Question: Can you explain the concept of concurrency in Scala?
Answer: Scala provides several concurrency abstractions, including actors, futures, and software transactional memory (STM).

Actors are lightweight concurrent entities that communicate through message passing.
Futures represent asynchronous computations that may or may not have completed.
STM provides a way to safely manage mutable state in a concurrent environment using transactional semantics.

These abstractions enable developers to write concurrent and scalable applications in Scala.

Question: What is the difference between 'Option', 'Some', and 'None' in Scala?
Answer: Below you can find the difference:

'Option' is a container type in Scala that represents the presence or absence of a value.
'Some' is a subtype of Option and represents a value that exists.
'None' is a subtype of Option and represents the absence of a value.

Using Option allows developers to write more concise and safer code, particularly when dealing with potential null values.

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