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PowerShell Interview Questions - Page 3

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Question: What is the 'Get-ChildItem' cmdlet used for in PowerShell?
Answer: The 'Get-ChildItem' is used to retrieve the child items (files and directories) in a specified location.
It is similar to the dir command in Command Prompt or the ls command in Unix-based systems.

Question: How do you execute a command as an administrator in PowerShell?
Answer: To execute a command as an administrator in PowerShell, you can use the 'Start-Process' cmdlet with the '-Verb RunAs' parameter.

Question: What is the purpose of the '-WhatIf' parameter in PowerShell cmdlets?
Answer: The '-WhatIf' parameter is used to simulate the execution of a cmdlet without actually performing any actions.
It allows users to preview what would happen if the cmdlet were run with the specified parameters.

Question: What is the purpose of the '$PSVersionTable' automatic variable in PowerShell?
Answer: The '$PSVersionTable' contains information about the version of PowerShell currently running, including details such as the version number, edition, and CLR version.

Question: How do you export data to a CSV file in PowerShell?
Answer: You can export data to a CSV file in PowerShell using the 'Export-Csv' cmdlet. For example:
Get-Process | Export-Csv -Path C:\path\to\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
Question: What is the purpose of the '-Match' and '-Replace' operators in PowerShell?
Answer: The '-Match' is used to match a regular expression pattern against a string.
And '-Replace' is used to replace occurrences of a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string.

Question: How do you run a PowerShell script on a remote computer?
Answer: You can run a PowerShell script on a remote computer using the 'Invoke-Command' cmdlet with the '-ComputerName' parameter:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemoteComputer -ScriptBlock { C:\Path\To\Script.ps1 }

Question: What is the purpose of the $ErrorActionPreference variable in PowerShell?
Answer: The '$ErrorActionPreference' determines how PowerShell responds to non-terminating errors.
It can be set to values such as "Stop", "Continue", or "SilentlyContinue" to control error handling behavior.

Question: What is the purpose of the '$ExecutionContext' automatic variable in PowerShell?
Answer: The '$ExecutionContext' contains information about the current execution context in PowerShell, including variables, functions, and scripts that are currently running.

Question: How do you install a module from the PowerShell Gallery?
Answer: You can install a module from the PowerShell Gallery using the Install-Module cmdlet: Install-Module -Name ModuleName

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