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Perl Interview Questions - Page 4

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Question: What is a Perl reference?
Answer: A Perl reference is a scalar value that holds the memory address of another value, such as a variable, array, hash, or subroutine. References allow for complex data structures like nested arrays and hashes, and they enable passing data structures by reference rather than by value.

Question: What is the purpose of the 'split' function in Perl?
Answer: The 'split' function is used to split a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter pattern. It returns the list of substrings.

Question: How do you declare and use a reference in Perl?
Answer: In Perl References are created using the backslash (\) operator followed by a variable, array, hash, or subroutine name.
To dereference a reference, you use the appropriate sigil ($, @, or %) based on the type of data structure being referenced.

Question: What is Perl's 'use warnings' pragma, and why is it important?
Answer: The The 'use warnings' pragma enables warnings for suspicious constructs in Perl code.
It helps catch potential errors or problematic code during development, leading to more robust and reliable programs.

Question: Can you explain the purpose of Perl's 'ARGV' filehandle?
Answer: The 'ARGV' is a special filehandle in Perl that allows you to read input from files specified as command-line arguments.
It automatically iterates over the files listed in '@ARGV', opening each file in turn for reading.

Question: How do you handle multi-line input from the user in Perl?
Answer: You can use the '<<EOF' syntax, also known as the here-document syntax, to read multi-line input from the user.

Question: What is the purpose of the 'do' block in Perl?
Answer: The 'do' block in Perl is used to execute a block of code or a file as an anonymous subroutine.
It is commonly used for including code from external files or for scoping variables.

Question: Can you explain the difference between scalar and list context in Perl?
Answer: Below you can find the difference:
Scalar context expects a single scalar value and evaluates expressions to return a single value.
List context expects a list of values and evaluates expressions to return a list.

Question: How do you handle errors in Perl without terminating the program?
Answer: You can use the 'eval function' along with 'die' or 'warn' to trap errors without terminating the program.
Additionally, Perl provides the 'Try::Tiny' module for more structured exception handling using try, catch, and finally blocks.

Question: What is the difference between 'print' and 'say' in Perl?
Answer: Both 'print' and 'say' are used to output data in Perl. The main difference is that say automatically appends a newline character (\n) to the output, while print does not. The 'say' is available starting from Perl version 5.10 and is more convenient for printing lines of text.

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