Question: Can you explain the difference between global and local variables in MATLAB?
Answer: One can find the differences below:
• By definition the global variables are accessible from any function in MATLAB, while local variables are only accessible
within the function in which they are defined.
• Global variables can be accessed and modified from any scope, which can sometimes lead to unintended consequences,
whereas local variables are confined to their respective functions, minimizing potential conflicts.
Question: What is the purpose of the 'fft' function in MATLAB?
Answer: The 'fft' function in MATLAB is used to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a sequence
or the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of a vector. It is commonly used for analyzing the frequency content of signals.
Question: Can you explain the difference between 'rand' and 'randn' functions in MATLAB?
Answer: The 'rand' function generates random numbers uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, while the 'randn'
function generates random numbers from a standard normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1).
Question: How can you create a matrix in MATLAB with specific values along its diagonal?
Answer: You can use the 'diag' function to create a matrix with specific values along its diagonal.
For example, 'diag([1 2 3])' creates a 3x3 matrix with the values 1, 2, and 3 along its main diagonal.
Question: What is the purpose of the 'polyfit' function in MATLAB?
Answer: The 'polyfit' function is used to fit a polynomial curve to a set of data points.
It returns the coefficients of the polynomial that best fits the data using the method of least squares.
Question: Can you explain the difference between 'fprintf' and 'disp' functions in MATLAB?
Answer: The 'fprintf' function is used to display formatted output to the command window or to a file,
similar to the fprintf function in C.
The 'disp' function is used to display the value of a variable or expression without formatting.
Question: How can you concatenate arrays in MATLAB?
Answer: You can concatenate arrays in MATLAB using square brackets [].
For example, [A, B] concatenates arrays A and B along the first dimension.
Question: Can you explain the purpose of the 'svd' function in MATLAB?
Answer: The 'svd' function computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a matrix.
It decomposes a matrix into three matrices: U, Σ, and V such that A = UΣV'.
Question: What is the purpose of the 'unique' function in MATLAB?
Answer: The 'unique' function is used to find the unique elements in an array and optionally return their indices or counts.
It removes duplicate elements and sorts the unique elements in ascending order by default..