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Kubernetes Interview Questions - Page 4

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Question: Can you describe Kubernetes Network Policies?
Answer: Kubernetes Network Policies are specifications that define how Pods are allowed to communicate with each other and other network endpoints. They provide fine-grained control over network traffic within the cluster based on criteria such as Pod labels, namespaces, and IP addresses, enhancing security and isolation.

Question: What is a Kubernetes Operator Framework?
Answer: The Kubernetes Operator Framework is a toolkit for building Kubernetes native applications, called Operators, that automate the management of complex, stateful workloads.

Operators extend Kubernetes functionality by encoding operational knowledge into software, enabling self-managing applications that run on Kubernetes.
Question: Can you explain Kubernetes Helm Operators?
Answer: The Helm Operators combine the benefits of Helm charts and Kubernetes Operators, allowing for the automated management of Helm charts using custom resources. Helm Operators provide a declarative way to manage applications and their lifecycle on Kubernetes, making it easier to install, upgrade, and maintain Helm-based applications.

Question: What are Kubernetes Pod Security Contexts?
Answer: The Pod Security Contexts allow users to define security-related settings at the Pod level, such as running the Pod as a specific user or group, setting Linux capabilities, and configuring SELinux options.

Pod Security Contexts help enforce security best practices and limit the impact of potential security vulnerabilities.

Question: Can you explain Kubernetes PodAffinity and PodAntiAffinity?
Answer: Kubernetes PodAffinity and PodAntiAffinity are features that influence the scheduling of Pods based on their relationships with other Pods.

PodAffinity specifies rules for preferring or requiring Pods to be scheduled on nodes with certain other Pods, while PodAntiAffinity specifies rules for avoiding co-location with certain other Pods.

Question: What is Kubernetes CronJob and how does it work?
Answer: The Kubernetes CronJob is a controller used to create Jobs on a recurring schedule, similar to the Unix cron utility. CronJobs allow you to run batch jobs, backups, or periodic tasks in a Kubernetes cluster at specified intervals, providing a convenient way to automate repetitive tasks.

Question: Can you explain the concept of Kubernetes Resource Quotas?
Answer: The Kubernetes Resource Quotas are policies that limit the amount of compute resources (CPU, memory) and storage that Pods, Deployments, or other Kubernetes objects can consume within a namespace.

Resource Quotas help prevent resource contention, ensure fair resource allocation, and prevent individual workloads from monopolizing cluster resources.

Question: What is Kubernetes Service Mesh and why is it used?
Answer: The Kubernetes Service Mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling service-to-service communication within a Kubernetes cluster. It typically employs a sidecar proxy alongside each service instance to manage traffic, provide observability, enforce security policies, and facilitate advanced networking features such as traffic splitting and routing.

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