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GO Language Interview Questions - Page 4

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Question: What is the 'init' function in Go, and when is it called?
Answer: The 'init' function in Go is a special function that is called automatically by the Go runtime before main is executed. It is commonly used to perform initialization tasks such as setting up global variables, initializing databases, or registering HTTP routes.

Question: How does Go handle package management?
Answer: Go uses the 'go' tool and the 'go.mod' file for package management. The 'go.mod' file defines the module's dependencies and their versions.
Developers can use commands like go get to download dependencies, go build to compile packages, and go install to install binaries. Go's module system provides versioning and dependency management features, ensuring reproducible builds and dependency resolution.

Question: Explain how method receivers work in Go?
Answer: in Go method receivers specify the type on which a method operates. They allow functions to be associated with a particular type, enabling object-oriented programming-like constructs in Go.

Method receivers can be either a value receiver or a pointer receiver, determining whether the method operates on a copy of the value or the original value itself.

Question: What is the empty interface ('interface{}') in Go, and when is it used?
Answer: The empty interface ('interface{}') in Go is an interface with no methods, meaning that it can hold values of any type. It is used to represent values of unknown type or to work with values of different types in a generic manner.

Empty interfaces are commonly used in functions that need to accept arbitrary types or in data structures like map[string]interface{} for storing values of different types.

Question: Can you explain the difference between the 'sync.Mutex' and 'sync.RWMutex' in Go and when to use each?
Answer: Both 'sync.Mutex' and 'sync.RWMutex' are synchronization primitives provided by the sync package for managing access to shared resources in a concurrent environment. Below please find their comparison:

'sync.Mutex' is a mutual exclusion lock that allows only one goroutine to access a critical section of code at a time. It's typically used when exclusive access to a resource is required.
'sync.RWMutex' is a reader/writer mutual exclusion lock. It allows multiple readers to access the critical section simultaneously but only one writer at a time. This is useful when the resource is read much more frequently than it is written to, as it can significantly improve concurrency.

Question: How does Go manage dependencies, and what is the difference between 'go mod' and 'GOPATH'?
Answer: Go introduced a module system to manage dependencies with the release of Go 1.11.

'GOPATH': Before Go modules, Go used 'GOPATH' to determine the workspace and the location of packages. All dependencies were installed in the 'GOPATH' directory.
'go mod': With Go modules, each Go project is self-contained with its own dependency management. Developers can use the go mod command to initialize and manage modules for a project. Go modules allow for explicit dependency versioning, enabling reproducible builds and better dependency management compared to 'GOPATH'.

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