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C++ Interview Questions - Page 7

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Question: Can you explain the concept of inheritance in C++?
Answer: Inheritance is a mechanism in C++ where a class (derived class) can inherit properties and behaviors (methods) from another class (base class). It promotes code reusability and allows the creation of a hierarchy of classes.

Question: What are the differences between a structure and a class in C++?
Answer: In C++, a structure and a class are nearly identical, with the difference being the default access level. Members of a structure are public by default, while members of a class are private by default. Additionally, classes support inheritance and polymorphism, whereas structures do not.

Question: Can you explain the concept of exception handling in C++?
Answer: Exception handling in C++ allows the detection and handling of errors or exceptional conditions at runtime. It involves throwing an exception using the 'throw' keyword and catching it using 'try', 'catch', and 'throw blocks' to handle exceptional situations gracefully.

Question: What is the this pointer in C++?
Answer: The this pointer is a special pointer available in every member function of a class. It points to the object on which the member function is called and is used to access the object's member variables and methods within the class.

Question: What are 'friend functions' and 'friend classes' in C++?
Answer: In C++ friend functions and friend classes are functions or classes that are granted access to the private and protected members of another class. They are declared using the friend keyword and are not member functions of the class they are friends with.

Question: Can you explain the concept of const correctness in C++ and its importance?
Answer: The 'const correctness' refers to the practice of using the const qualifier to specify that an object or function does not modify the state of an object. It is important for improving code readability, preventing accidental modifications to objects, enabling compiler optimizations, and facilitating reasoning about program correctness and safety.

Question: What is the 'auto' keyword in C++ 11 and when should it be used?
Answer: The 'auto' keyword in C++ 11 is used to declare a variable with automatic type deduction, allowing the compiler to infer the type of the variable based on its initializer. It should be used when the type of a variable is either explicitly evident or complex and lengthy to write.

Question: What is the role of the 'explicit' keyword in C++?
Answer: The explicit keyword is used to specify that a constructor or conversion function should not be used for implicit type conversions. It prevents the compiler from automatically invoking the constructor or conversion function in contexts where implicit conversions are not desired, helping to prevent unintended conversions and improve code clarity.

Question: Can you explain the concept of thread pool in C++?
Answer: A thread pool is a collection of pre-initialized threads that are kept idle and ready to execute tasks as they become available.
Thread pools are used to improve performance and resource utilization by avoiding the overhead of thread creation and destruction for each task. They are commonly employed in server applications to handle concurrent client requests efficiently.

Question: What is a 'semaphore' and how is it different from a 'mutex'?
Answer: A 'semaphore' is a synchronization primitive used to control access to a shared resource by multiple threads.
Unlike a 'mutex', which allows only one thread to access the protected resource at a time, a 'semaphore' can allow multiple threads to access the resource simultaneously, up to a certain limit specified by its count.

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