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Asp.Net & WebApi Interview Questions - Page 7

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Question: What are Page Themes in Asp.Net?
Answer: Asp.Net theme is a collection of settings defining the appearance of controls and pages and is applied across all pages within a web application to maintain a consistent look. Themes include skin files and related images to set the visual properties of the controls. There are two types of theme:
Page Theme: It contains style sheets, control skins, graphic files and other resources inside subfolder of App_Theme folder. Page theme is applied to a single page of the website.
Global Theme: Global theme is applied to all websites on a web server and defines same style for all the web pages of those websites.

Question: What are the Cookies in Asp.Net?
Answer: Cookies are like small text files sent by a web server and saved by the Web Browser on a client's machine.

Question: Can you list few properties of HttpCookie Class?
Answer: Below are the properties of HttpCookie class:
Domain: It can set the domain of the cookie.
Expires: This property sets Expiration time of a cookie.
HasKeys: In case the cookie has a subkey, it returns True.
Name: This contains name of the Key.
Path: Contains Virtual Path to be submitted with Cookie.
Secured: If cookies are to be passed in secure connection, then it returns True.
Value: It contains the value of the cookie.

Question: Is there any limitation of the Cookies?
Answer: Following can be considered as the limitation of using Cookies:
Size: The size of a cookie is limited only to 4096 bytes.
Volume: Every type of browser can only support a limited number of cookies.
Security: Cookies can be tampered causing security flaw in a website.

Question: What is Ajax in Asp.Net?
Answer: AJAX allows a web page to update only a portion of it by asynchronously exchanging small amount of data with the web server behind the scene. Ajax uses combination of various technologies like JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, DOM, etc. for its asynchronous communication. It is a cross-platform technology that can be used on any OS because it is based on XML & JavaScript.

Question: What are the main advantages of Asp.Net?
Answer: Below please find the major advantages of Asp.Net:
• Provides a graphical development environment
• Supports compiled languages
• Separates the Code from HTML
• Utilizes services provided by .Net Framework
• Handles XML-based configuration files

Question: What is Globalization and Localization in Asp.Net application?
Answer: Globalization is a process of designing and developing an application that functions for multiple cultures.
And Localization is the process of customizing the application for a given culture and locale. These two things go together.

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