Question: What is Angular Template Syntax?
Answer: Angular Template Syntax is a set of special markers (like interpolation {{}}, property binding [property], event binding (event), etc.) that Angular uses to bind data and respond to user events in templates.
It provides a declarative way to define the UI and behavior of Angular components.
Question: Can you explain Angular Lifecycle Hooks?
Answer: Angular Lifecycle Hooks are predefined methods provided by Angular that allow developers to tap into various lifecycle events of Angular components.
These hooks include ngOnInit, ngOnChanges, ngAfterViewInit, ngOnDestroy, etc., and they provide opportunities to perform tasks at different stages of a component's lifecycle, such as initialization, change detection, view manipulation, and cleanup.
Question: What is Angular Reactive Forms and how do they differ from Template-driven Forms?
Answer: Angular Reactive Forms is an approach for creating and managing forms in Angular using
reactive programming techniques. It involves building form models in code and synchronizing them with the UI using observables.
In contrast, Template-driven Forms rely on directives in the template and use two-way data binding to synchronize the model and view.
Reactive Forms offer more flexibility, control, and testability compared to Template-driven Forms.
Question: What is Angular Dependency Injection Tree shaking?
Answer: Angular Dependency Injection Tree shaking is a feature introduced in Angular Ivy that optimizes
the size of the application bundles by removing unnecessary services and dependencies from the application'
s dependency injection (DI) tree during the build process.
It helps reduce the size of the application bundles and improve runtime performance by eliminating unused code paths.
Question: What is Angular Lazy Loading and how is it implemented?
Answer: Angular Lazy Loading is a technique for loading modules asynchronously when they are needed, instead of loading all
modules at application startup. It helps reduce the initial load time of the application by loading only the essential modules
required for the initial route. Lazy loading is implemented by configuring the Angular router to load modules using the
loadChildren property with a path to the module file.
Question: How can you optimize the performance of an Angular application?
Answer: To optimize the performance of an Angular application, one can:
• Use Angular AOT Compilation.
• Lazy load modules and routes.
• Minify and bundle JavaScript and CSS files.
• Optimize images and other assets.
• Implement efficient change detection strategies.
• Use trackBy function for ngFor loops.
• Apply Angular Universal for server-side rendering.
• Profile and analyze application performance using tools like Angular CLI's built-in performance tools, Chrome DevTools, etc.